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Copper Ore| Direct from mining site

Copper Ore| Direct from mining site

Copper Ore| Direct from mining site

  • Model CFP Minerals
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $6,000.00 - $6,400.00

  • Ex Tax: $6,000.00 - $6,400.00

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What We Do
There is a large deposit of Minerals in Africa (Nigeria) Such as: Iron Ore, zinc ore, Lithium Ore, Copper, Crude oil (Petroleum), Kaolin,Gemstones,Rock Salt,Coal,Bitumen, Gold, Bentonite and Baryte,Lead/Zinc, Gypsum, Talc and other precious stones and metals in Nigeria. Many manufacturers need these materials but do not know how to source them. We are licensed by the Nigerian government and within Africa to mine and refine these materials. While our headquarter in Nigeria (Abuja) sees to the mining and refining of the materials, the China branch is responsible for marketing and distribution.

Investors in People
Our men are hard-working digging out the precious stones on a daily basis from Monday to Monday. We create employment opportunities for the local youth and try our best to pay back to the community. 
We are proud of what we do and we carry out our work with due diligence. We care about the environment and we do not focus only on profit.

Africa's current account surplus amounted to 2.3% of its GDP in 2005 versus 0.1% of GDP in 2004. In 2005, sub-Saharan countries ran an average deficit of 0.6% of the GDP, and countries in the Arab Maghreb Union ran an average surplus of 12.2% of GDP. Trade surpluses in oil-exporting countries more than offset trade deficits in oil-importing countries.
Oil-importing countries had an average current account deficit of 3.3% of the GDP in 2005, and oil-exporting countries had an average current account surplus of 12.2% of GDP. Out of 33 African nations for which information was available, 20 countries experienced a decline in their terms of trade between 2002 and 2005 and 13 experienced an improvement. Oil importers experienced the worst decline. However, Botswana's terms of trade improved because higher prices for oil imports were more than offset by higher prices for diamond exports. Similar reasoning held for Mozambique because of higher prices for aluminum; in Niger, for uranium; and in Zambia, for copper.
The average current account deficit for oil-importing countries is expected to increase to 4.1% of the GDP in 2006 and to 3.8% of the GDP in 2007. For oil-exporting countries, the surplus is predicted to rise to 15.4% of the GDP in 2006 and 15.8% of the GDP in 2007. Africa was expected to run a current account surplus of 3.6% of the GDP in 2006 and 4.2% of the GDP in 2007.
In 2004 or 2005, mineral fuels accounted for more than 90% of the export earnings of Algeria, Equatorial Guinea, Libya, and Nigeria. Minerals and mineral fuels accounted for more than 80% of the export earnings of Botswana (led by, in order of value, diamond, copper, nickel, soda ash, and gold), Congo (Brazzaville) (petroleum), Congo (Kinshasa) (diamond, petroleum, cobalt, and copper), Gabon (petroleum and manganese), Guinea (bauxite, alumina, gold, and diamond), Sierra Leone (diamond), and Sudan (petroleum and gold). Minerals and mineral fuels accounted for more than 50% of the export earnings of Mali (gold), Mauritania (iron ore), Mozambique (aluminum), Namibia (diamond, uranium, gold, and zinc), and Zambia (copper and cobalt). Gold was a significant source of export earnings in Ghana, South Africa, and Tanzania. Diamond was a significant source of export earnings in the Central African Republic and South Africa, as was uranium in Niger。
Africa's natural gas exporters included Algeria, which had 72% of the continent's natural gas exports, Nigeria, 13%, Egypt, 9%, and Libya, 6%. Europe received 91% of African total natural gas exports and was the destination of 95% of Africa's natural gas exports by pipeline and 88% of Africa's liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports. The United States received 11% of Africa's LNG exports, and countries of the Asia and the Pacific region, 1%.
In 2005, Europe received 35% of Africa's petroleum exports; the United States, 32%; China, 10%; Japan, 2%; and other countries in the Asia and the Pacific region, 12%. West African countries sent 45% of their exports to the United States and 32% to China, Japan, and other countries in the Asia and the Pacific region. North African countries sent 64% of their exports to Europe and 18% to the United States. Intraregional exports to African countries amounted to only 2% of total African petroleum exports.
Intraregional minerals trade was however significant in the case of gold. South Africa imported 142,000 kilograms per year of gold, mostly from West African countries, to supply its gold refinery. A majority of African gold mine production was refined in South Africa before export to other regions.
Most of Africa's copper and platinum group metals PGM production was exported in refined form. The majority of Africa's chromite production was processed into ferrochromium before export. For other commodities, which included bauxite, colored gemstones, diamond, iron ore, petroleum, and uranium, most of or all the continent's production was exported before downstream processing.







2005 年非洲的经常账户盈余占其 GDP 的 2.3%,而 2004 年为 GDP 的 0.1%。2005 年,撒哈拉以南国家的平均赤字占 GDP 的 0.6%,阿拉伯马格里布联盟国家的平均盈余占国内生产总值的 12.2%。石油出口国的贸易顺差超过了石油进口国的贸易逆差。

2005 年石油进口国的平均经常账户赤字占 GDP 的 3.3%,石油出口国的平均经常账户盈余占 GDP 的 12.2%。在可获得信息的 33 个非洲国家中,20 个国家的贸易条件在 2002 年至 2005 年期间出现下降,13 个国家出现改善。石油进口国的跌幅最大。然而,博茨瓦纳的贸易条件有所改善,因为石油进口价格上涨被钻石出口价格上涨所抵消。由于铝价上涨,莫桑比克也有类似的理由;在尼日尔,铀;在赞比亚,铜。

石油进口国的平均经常账户赤字预计将在 2006 年增加到 GDP 的 4.1%,在 2007 年增加到 GDP 的 3.8%。对于石油出口国,盈余预计将增加到 GDP 的 15.4% 2006 年和 2007 年占 GDP 的 15.8%。预计 2006 年非洲经常账户盈余占 GDP 的 3.6%,2007 年占 GDP 的 4.2%。

2004年或2005年,矿物燃料占阿尔及利亚、赤道几内亚、利比亚和尼日利亚出口收入的90%以上。矿物和矿物燃料占博茨瓦纳出口收入的 80% 以上(按价值顺序依次为钻石、铜、镍、纯碱和黄金)、刚果(布拉柴维尔)(石油)、刚果(金沙萨) (钻石、石油、钴和铜)、加蓬(石油和锰)、几内亚(铝土矿、氧化铝、黄金和钻石)、塞拉利昂(钻石)和苏丹(石油和黄金)。矿物和矿物燃料占马里(黄金)、毛里塔尼亚(铁矿石)、莫桑比克(铝)、纳米比亚(钻石、铀、黄金和锌)和赞比亚(铜和钴)出口收入的 50% 以上.黄金是加纳、南非和坦桑尼亚出口收入的重要来源。钻石是中非共和国和南非出口收入的重要来源,尼日尔的铀也是如此。

非洲的天然气出口国包括占非洲大陆天然气出口量 72% 的阿尔及利亚、13% 的尼日利亚、9% 的埃及和 6% 的利比亚。欧洲占非洲天然气出口总量的 91%,是非洲 95% 的管道天然气出口和 88% 的非洲液化天然气 (LNG) 出口的目的地。美国占非洲液化天然气出口的 11%,亚太地区国家占 1%。

2005 年,欧洲获得了非洲 35% 的石油出口;美国,32%;中国,10%;日本,2%;和亚太地区其他国家,12%。西非国家45%的出口出口到美国,32%出口到中国、日本和亚太地区其他国家。北非国家 64% 的出口销往欧洲,18% 销往美国。对非洲国家的区域内出口仅占非洲石油​​出口总额的 2%。

然而,就黄金而言,区域内的矿产贸易非常重要。南非每年进口 142,000 公斤黄金,主要来自西非国家,以供应其黄金精炼厂。大部分非洲金矿生产在南非精炼,然后出口到其他地区。

非洲大部分铜和铂族金属 PGM 生产以精炼形式出口。非洲大部分铬铁矿在出口前加工成铬铁。对于其他商品,包括铝土矿、有色宝石、钻石、铁矿石、石油和铀,非洲大陆的大部分或全部产品在下游加工之前都已出口。


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